Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The Homestay Life

I will be writing more about my homestay later on, but I just wanted to say a few things so that you could get context for some of my later posts. (I've been saving drafts of them because I knew I needed to write this post before publishing, but at this point, I just need to publish those and save the details of my homestay for when I have more free time to blog!)

A homestay was the best decision I could have ever made. I live in a beautiful house with one other student named Erica and my homestay father named Alberto. Alberto is the most kind person I have ever met, and he seriously takes care of Erica and I like we are his daughters. He is a little on the older side with two kids who are 24 and 27 who are now moved out, and I am not sure what happened to his wife. His english is pretty good, but he's definitely learning a lot from us. Erica, Alberto, and I seriously have the time of our lives. At least once a day, we laugh until we cry.

Alberto's house has a patio in the backyard that connects to the back house, which is where I live. I have my own kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom. It is a really awesome deal. Erica's bedroom is inside the house, and we all usually hang out inside the house together. However, in reality, we really only eat meals though because Alberto always takes us on the most amazing adventures. In the program, there are only four homestay kids total, and the rest of the 22 students are in this really run down hotel. If they want to go anywhere, they have to take a taxi. They are also responsible for their own meals. I thank God for Alberto every day.

Alberto is possibly the best cook I have ever, ever, ever met in my entire life. (And I just want to remind you: I just came from home-cooked Italian meals as well.) If anyone knows me (especially my mother), you know that my favorite food hands down is vegetable soup. Alberto eats different kinds of vegetable soups every single day as an appetizer for dinner. He eats extremely healthy with tons of veggies and fruit because he has diabetes. He eats pineapple all of the time and makes his own pineapple tea. He eats granola for breakfast. I am actually in heaven. There is nothing he cooks that I don't love. I swear, we have the same taste buds. All of the foods he eats are my favorites.

Anyway- I think you get the picture. Alberto and Erica are the best. I'll tell you more about our adventures later!

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