Friday, July 5, 2013

Happy Fourth of July!!!

Happy Fourth of July!!

Being out of the country for the Fourth of July is such an odd feeling. Normally, there are people everywhere celebrating, barbecuing, hanging by the pool, beaching it up, etc.. There are American flags everywhere and there is so much spirit in the air. It was pretty sad to not see any of that this year.

This year back home,  my family went to my grant aunt's house on Lake Ontario to celebrate. I have been there twice before on the Fourth of July, and each time was such a blast. I have a huge family and since there are so many of us, we all set up tents on her property and sleep there. It is so much fun. Lake Ontario is beautiful with the stars and the moon over the lake... Breathtaking really. Then when the fourth comes around, there is a spectacular display of fireworks accompanied by a toasty bonfire and some delicious s'mores. Of my family, I am probably the one who is most in love with the place. Every summer, I practically beg my mom to visit! To my dismay, this was the year my family decided to go and I am out of the country. But hey- though I'm sad, I can't complain because I'm in the freaking Azores islands (which coincidentally enough my great aunt has also travelled too! I found this out via email yesterday.)
Also to all my family reading this, I hope you had an amazing time! Miss ya!

We Americans couldn't let the holiday pass without celebrating of course. We had a huge plan! We went to a restaurant by the marina that had a deal running for the Americans in town. For 10 euros, we got unlimited food, sangria, wine, beer, dessert, and coffee (warning: I probably indulged a little too much. But I always feel I need to get my money's worth!) We also planned to set off fireworks at the beach and have a bonfire with s'mores. But sadly, bonfires are illegal on the beach and we couldn't find the fireworks. The dinner was a lot of fun. In this day and age with so much technology, inevitably we all ended up sending each other weird snapchats while sitting at the same table. Eventually during the night, Erica and I went exploring. Because I'm always up for an adventure, I may or may not have shimmied and climbed across a gated area to get to this really pretty dock. The dock was completely gated in and the area I shimmied across was this platform over the water. Eventually more people came out and joined us. We had a mini photoshoot and were having a grand old time when two cops on segways showed up. They may or may not have threatened to arrest us if we ever did that again. (Though the segways were mess than intimidating.) I'll have to save my adventuring for areas that are not gated in, I suppose.

After the dinner, some people wanted to go out to a bar and some wanted to go back home. I was part of the latter group, knowing I had hospital the next day, but all the kids in homestay were going to the bar so I had to come along unless I wanted to walk back home by myself in the wee hours of the morning (not the best idea.) 

On the way to the bar, we sported our American flag and sang the Star spangled banner and god bless America. We were those Americans. But hey, it was the Fourth of July so how couldn't we? At the bar, manny whipped out some serious dance moves I didn't know he had in them. Hahaha it was so great. He's got no reservations when it comes to dancing. A true life of the party. He especially likes the berney.Eventually the night came to a close, and Erica and I walked back home. 
Overall, a great Fourth of July!

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